I obtained the Master’s degree from the Université Lyon 1, France, in 2005, the PhD degree in computer science from the Université Lyon 2 in 2008 and the HDR (habilitation) in computer science from Université Clermont Auvergne in 2018. I am now full professor at the Université Clermont Auvergne. I give teachings of AI, object oriented programming, image processing, 3-D programming, project management in the IUT of Le Puy en Velay. I am also member of the Institut Pascal, UMR 6602 UCA/SIGMA/CNRS / research team CaVITI, and my main research topics are (bio)medical image analysis, digital geometry and topology, benchmarking and computer vision. |
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Research topics:
Digital geometry and topology, mathematical morphology
Robust image and video analysis
Related publications:Computer-aided medical applications
Related publications:Computer vision and machine learning
Related publications:Featured publications:
M.B. Neiva, A. Vacavant, O.M. Bruno: Improving Texture Extraction and Classification using Smoothed Morphological Operators. Digital Signal Processing, 83:24-34, 2018.
M.-A. Lebre, A. Vacavant, M. Grand-Brochier, O. Merveille, A. Abergel, P. Chabrot, B. Magnin: Automatic 3-D Skeleton-based Segmentation of Liver Vessels From MRI and CT for Couinaud Representation. In IEEE ICIP 2018, Athens, Greece, October 2018.
A.L.M. Pavan, M. Benabdallah, M.-A. Lebre, D.R. de Pina, F. Jaziri, A. Vacavant, A. Mtibaa, H. Mohamed Ali, M. Grand-Brochier, H. Rositi, B. Magnin, A. Abergel, P. Chabrot: A parallel framework for HCC detection in DCE-MRI sequences with wavelet-based description and SVM classification. In ACM SAC 2018, Pau, France, April 2018.
A. Vacavant, B. Kerautret, T. Roussillon, F. Feschet: Reconstructions of noisy digital contours with maximal primitives based on multi-scale/irregular geometric representation and generalized linear programming. In DGCI 2017, LNCS 10502, pages 291–303, Vienna, Austria, 2017. Springer.